Make it stand out.
A motto that defines every piece of work I have ever and will ever create. Projects made to the highest standard.
Short Films
& Narrative Projects
My first Short film, premiered at my High School’s highly selective Writer’s Week ‘29’ event where it was screened in front of hundreds of my peers.
What We Don’t See is a horror short film which follows our main character Luke, as his family and home is threated by a demonic monster, whose origins end up hitting just a little close to home.
View it here: https://youtu.be/EAdcmZ0KMIo
Love Like Food was a small project aimed to explore a new side of my cinematography and videography skills. It was a deep dive into unique camera angles as well as telling a deeply personal story that connected with the roots of who I am as an individual.
Love like Food follows our unnamed main character who is reminded of the importance of family after going through his childhood home and remembering core memories shared around one commonality: Food.
View it here: https://youtu.be/fkW7OgI7IjU
Building off the momentum from What We Don’t See my next narrative project was TALENT! which was screen at Writer’s Week ‘30’. It was my first time running through a full production process and the result paid off.
TALENT ! is a coming of age story which follows our main character Khalil as he learns what it means to be true to yourself all while the world tries to force him to be somebody he is not.
View it here: https://youtu.be/LB4au-Sk520
Whodunnit is an upcoming production of which I am the director, cinematographer, and head screen writer. It will be my first full production and is slated to begin shooting in Late June of this year.
Three roommates are thrust into a precarious situation after an accidental shooting, this forces them to navigate trough the events of the past hours and days in an effort to string together a narrative, however the memories only reveals a bigger retrospective on who we all as humans become when we are faced with life’s hardest challenges.

“It’s about the Journey, not the destination”
— Ralph Waldo Emerson
& Creative Projects
The Evolution series was my first real editing project aimed at the expansion of my story telling skills through post production.
The series follows the respective marching band seasons of the William Fremd High School Viking Marching Band, of which I was apart of. I combined my love for music, editing, filmmaking, and the VMB community to make two editions. Each shows my exponential growth in my abilities to edit and story tell.
View each edition here:
This project started out as a class assignment for my AP Macroeconomics course in High School. I took the opportunity to turn the extensive research I had already done and convert it into a video essay.
The video itself demonstrates a wealth of editing techniques that I had acquired and trained. It was also my first time working with Adobe After Effects which would soon become a staple of the majority of my editing projects to come.
View it here: https://youtu.be/H98A3mNyE_0?si=99-CT3CWl4izP6f6